[COLUMN] Time at Home

Take a look into our day to day scenes, told through the voices of our team members.

”Time at Home"

I love my new house. Home is an everyday matter, and I want mine to be as relaxing as possible. Most days I’m in bed by 9:30, so I tend to wake up early. On weekends when I wake up, I pick a few leaves from the herb box I built on the balcony, add some steaming water, and make fresh herbal tea. I love it. Homegrown herbal tea in the morning sun – life doesn’t get much better than that! I also love the olive and eucalyptus that we planted by our front door, because they stay green all year round. The idea of gradually perfecting my ideal home is so exciting. On weekends I often invite my friends and colleagues, and together we prepare something quick and easy, and spend the afternoon eating and chatting while sipping our favorite drinks. I like people gathering in my house. With all the KINTO tableware that I own, my kitchen is almost like a showroom. Every now and then someone asks (to my delight) “where did you get this plate?” and I’ll say with a hint of pride, “that’s my company’s product”. Household items adorn our everyday lives; they are small details but can mean so much to us. A simple, practical mug. Plates that look good no matter what you are serving that day. Kitchen and dining essentials. And one day, we find that the things we were fond of have turned into things we can’t live without. That’s “home” for me. (Tokyo Office staff M.M.)